Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Delicious KFC

On the first day in my apartment, I hadn't install gas to turn on the stove. Therefore, me and my friend decided to cook my chicken meat in Kaikan (my campus dormitory). We made this fried chicken with very limited ingredients (only garlic, garlic powder, and salt), but amazingly it turned out to be super delicious fried chicken.

That day I found out that my friend was really talented.. He was really good, not only in photography, but also in cooking. We named the dish as KFC, Kaikan Fried Chicken :)


Syafiq Irsyadi said...

sebenernya pengen bikin ayam goreng lagi, tapi pak jun besok ga jualan -__-

edratna said...

Apalagi jika pakai kecap "Lombok Gandaria"...hehehe

narpen said...

@piq: mau ayam juga piq.. pengen bikin somay lagih..
@nyo: hehehe. segitunya yak..

Kunderemp said...

kirim ke Bali.. kirim ke Bali.

narpen said...

ayo bikin sendiri, bikin sendiri... gampang kok!
*padahal aku juga belum pernah bikin lagi :P