Friday, November 19, 2010

Tomato sauce

Several weeks ago, I made pizza for a friend who helped me moving in to my new room. Okay, actually it was not real pizza. I put tomato sauce on a slice of bread, gave some grated Parmesan cheese, and toasted it for a while.

It was my first time (making this sauce by myself), so that when I saw that my friend really liked it, I was so happy.

.. ups..
(no picture, because I forgot to take it)

Anyway, making tomato sauce was quite easy. I only need 3 garlics, 1 bombay onion, thin-slice of beef meat (or minced meat), 2-3 tomatoes, and a can of tomato. You can also add corn, mushrooms and paprika if you like.

The hardest part is de-frozzing and cutting down the meat. Ow, I forgot. There's also the second hardest part, that is to give the right amount of salt, sugar, and pepper to the sauce. My second try was not as good as the first one. It was a bit too salty (I tried to hide it by giving more sugar :D)

Another alternatives:
You can also eat it with boiled/baked potatoes or spaghetti.

1. I wish I could buy halal minced meat here.
2. After moving to my new room, I don't have toaster anymore :( so sad.


Kunderemp said...

Rukhsah laaah..
asal dagingnya bukan babi, bukan bangkai, dan saat dibunuh dilakukan dengan cepat (tidak dengan cara yang menyiksa) dan baca Bismillah sebelum dimakan (ada haditsnya). Tapi kalau masih gak sreg juga.. ya udah.. vegetarian aja. :D

Coba teliti2.. siapa tahu juga nemu makanan Kosher (halal-nya Yahudi). Kosher berarti halal juga. Mereka lebih ketat daripada halal-nya Muslim.

narpen said...

nah itu diah,, dibunuh dengan cara cepat itu gimana..
klo yg di stunning2 itu gimana...
yang di sini gimana..
lieur *_*

jadinya aku emang semi vegetarian kok. iya kata temen aku klo di pesawat dia pesennya yg kosher :D baiklah, aku catat baik2.