Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday for washing?

Oh, I have pile of dishes waiting in my kitchen sink.

It reminds me to an old song from Utada Hikaru. In this video, she washed dishes the entire song. Lol. I don't understand how a famous singer could say that she enjoyed washing dishes :D

Hikki.. please come to my place, help me clean this pile of dishes..

And for you, my reader..
Here's a video of Hikari (Light) from Utada Hikaru..

Click here for the translation. Enjoy :)


Anonymous said...

because i use shared kitchen, i've developed a habis to always wash my kitchen utensils right after use, but my dirty dish on my own table can be left out dirty for days until the day that i need to use it again.
hhh..., i wish it could clean itself. *kok jadi curcol*

for me monday is the day of shopping. shop to the groceries for new supply of fruits or jusco if i need something else

Anonymous said...

ahahahaha, my shopping day is not monday but sunday sorry... :D

monday is the day of seminars, time to made up some report :D

narpen said...

yes i think i should develop that habit! but washing dishes in small kitchen (like mine) is more difficult..

recently my you-know-who always change my seminar day. it makes my life become more unpredictable :D sometimes i really can smell weekend in the middle of weekdays, and feel crazily stress on weekend.