Friday, July 27, 2012

Random Taco

Another mexican dishes!
Several months ago, I felt in love with mexican dishes. My mexican friends held a mexican party and cooked for us some delicious meal and drink. They're just so damn nice that they offer me to cook with halal meat (so that I can also taste the dishes). 
I think I gave them a.. pretty much flat-face. but actually, they touched my heart at that moment :9 hehehe. thx guys

A few weeks ago, K-man and I found this tortilla when we went shopping to an international store in my town. I just made some random stir-fried dishes, put it on the top of tortilla, folded the tortilla, and toasted it a bit inside the oven. And here it is.. enjoy the picture, hehehe.
as usual, it tastes soo good.

Anyway,, do you think the tortilla looks a bit too pale? :-/

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