Monday, May 17, 2010

Mr. Bear and Mr. Pillow

I went to another karaoke with my Japanese friends. I was so happy because they were so nice^^

This is an Utada Hikaru's song. I was surprised that she had this kind of song.. This song is so cuuute :D

Knew this song from Sa, I thought I remembered this song. I tried to sing it but I failed. Lucky me that I had my Japanese friend helped me to finish singing the rest of this song. To be honest, it felt a little bit funny to see a guy singing this kind of cute song :D  

I really had a good time that day. Let's see if you really like this song, like me :)


Neo said...

hahaha cute song...

And btw, I love karaoke too..., it is really a lot of fun :)

Syafiq Irsyadi said...

My ringtone :D

I wonder if there's Mr. Pillow in that song, I can't seems to remember it.