Well as you guess, making fondue is very very simple. You just need to melt a block of chocolate (such as dark cooking chocolate), and tadaaa…
You can dip almost anything, any food, into the melted chocolate.
Somehow my home-made fondue taste a little bit different (than the café's fondue :p).
I dunno why, maybe because I didn’t eat it with special friend beside me.. *heu*
Well at least, I have achieved the main purpose:
To eat chocolate fondue in inexpensive way :D
My suggestion:
1. Eat chocolate fondue while its hot/warm, because it would taste better.. Don't wait until the chocolate becomes cold. It will turns hard as it gets cold.
2. To do the #1, you should find a way to warm the chocolate continuously. At café du Chocolat, they do this by using a fondue pot (putting a candle flame below the chocolate's pot). But I just cant find how to do that at my home.. Well, maybe you can put the chocolate's pot on the electric stove.. Any suggestion?
3. Actually, I'm thinking about a condensed chocolate milk (susu kental manis coklat) to substitute all this melting chocolate. Perhaps a pack of condensed milk would be a more practical way to prepare fondue :D
4. Prepare a various dip-able food to dip into the chocolate. Not only fresh fruits (strawberry, apple, banana, pear, etc), but also you can dip marshmallow, brownies, cookies, ladies finger, regal, astor, anything..!
Happy fondueing! ;D
numpang komen...
jd ingat taun lalu pas diajak prof aku makan bareng..
aku bolak balik nambah si fondue ini...klo ingat jd malu..ketauan doyannya :P
~ganti blog ya ni?~
eh.. loh.. kok aku baru nyadar ada komen teh qonit di sindang..? :D
kapan bikinnya ya...
emang ni fondue enak banget dan romantiiisss...
sayangnya mahal (apalagi klo chocolate fountain) :P seharga dengan sisi artistiknya..
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