Well as you guess, making fondue is very very simple. You just need to melt a block of chocolate (such as dark cooking chocolate), and tadaaa…
You can dip almost anything, any food, into the melted chocolate.
and her flying home..
Miskol is an indonesian pronounciation for the word "missed call". It is also a term for calling (dialing) someone and terminating the call before the receiver takes up the call.
I made this application, just for fun. Yuk_Miskol is an application to "miskol" a defined phone number periodically. Maybe you will think, it is a kind of simple (and useless? :p) program. But hey.. I enjoy making it! :D
You know, Of course I wont give you the binary program nor the source code, because there's a huge possibility that you're gonna use it for something bad (e.g. giving a terror to somebody :D), kekekeke.
Well, this is my first sardines with home-made sauce. I guess this is healthier than the original sauce. You just need garlic, onion, (one or two) tomatoes, and salt.
Ow.. and a little water!