On a sunny Sunday, I decided to make a macaroni schotel using a kitchen stove. It's so sad that I don’t have an oven to bake (neither do my neighbor)..
But then my phone was ringing.. My neighbor called me and asked whether I wanted to go outside for lunch and karaoke.
Hmm.. I dunno..
To be honest, this weekend, I was sooo in a gloomy mood. I just had no intension to go anywhere (even to karaoke)..
I said to her that maybe I would go later after making "macaroni schotel".
She became excited and said that she'd just got
a "new" toaster oven from our neighbor. Hoahh.. Lucky me! My neighbor and her "new" toaster oven was really a big help for me. In the end, she had also saved our precious lunch. You can come, bring your chili sauce, and taste our schotel :)

So why I made this post titled "fusilli schotel"? Because instead of macaroni pasta, we used fusilli pasta. Taste the same, but I think fusilli has a better shape..
Halah..I will add the recipe later after my second try